My Last Post

Several months ago, when I started this blog, I was was thinking about sharing to other people how we prepared for the best day in our lives. I was hoping, you can get to know us more. I was also thinking, maybe someone, somewhere can get something from all of this...Learn from it. Be inspired by it. One day, maybe a couple would accidentally stumble upon this blog and get ideas on how a wedding is actually done. Its not exactly like we can learn of it from experience =).

But as I was backreading everything I posted, I realized something. More than a blog that other people could "just read", I realized this blog is far more important to us because it's like a letter. A love letter to our older selves.

A love letter to read while we build our home

 A love letter to read while we raise our children

A love letter to read when our children leave

A love letter to remember when we can no longer read.

This was how we started our lives together...

To all who visited this blog... Thank you!
To all who went to our wedding... Thank you!
To everyone who loves us and to everyone we love...Thank you!

This is Christian signing out of the 24thdayofNovember ! =)